TNS Internal:NDR/Install/NDRwithFedora3.3
From NSDLWiki
Supplemental Instructions for Installing Edupak with Fedora 3.3
Follow EduPak with Fedora 2.4 Installation Instructions except as follows...
Before Beginning
If installed previously, you will need to...
- Uninstall Postgres
- Delete PostgreSQL's data directory (ex. C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.3\data)
- Delete C:\Edupak OR Rename if for some reason you want to keep around the old install
1. Things to keep track of
Follow Edupak instructions.
2. Preparing the directory tree
Follow Edupak instructions.
NOTE: I keep a copy of the results of this step in a directory named C:\Edupak_empty_tree. That allows me to copy C:\Edupak_empty_tree to C:\Edupak instead of recreating the directory structure by hand each time.
3. Installing and configuring Postgres
How to do it?
Install postgres according to EduPak instructions, except...
- add DB fedora3 instead of fedora22
Did it work?
Follow Edupak instructions.
4. Installing Fedora 3.3
How to do it?
Install Fedora 3.3 instead of Fedora 2.2.4
- download Fedora 3.3 from Version 3.3 Installer
- for general help with installing Fedora 3.3, see Installation and Configuration Guide
- command to run installer...
java -jar fcrepo-installer-3.3.jar
Follow remaining Edupak instructions for Installing Fedora, except...
- for all parameters not addressed in EduPak instructions, use the defaults; except...
- Enable Resource Index = true
- environment variables that are different from instructions
- add ;%FEDORA_HOME%\server\bin;%FEDORA_HOME%\client\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin to the end of PATH
- add and to JAVA_OPTS (for SSL only, not sure of the syntax. I didn't use this.)
Did it work?
Follow Edupak instructions.
5. Preparing Fedora 3.3 for NDR
How to do it?
Configure Fedora as in Edupak instructions, except...
- Edit fedora.fcfg
- retainPIDs no longer exists in config file, so ignore this step
- param=level value=2 for ResourceIndex is no longer supported, use param=level value=1
- comment out param decorator1 for
- Copy Logging JAR files
- There doesn't appear to be a common\lib directory for Tomcat with Fedora 3.3, so skip this step. It doesn't appear to be causing problems. By default, logging goes to tomcat's console window.
- Initializing Logging parameters
- Skip this step as well.
Did it work?
Follow Edupak instructions.
NOTE: Tables T21 and T22 are missing. This is OK.
6. Installing NDR
How to do it?
Follow Edupak instructions up to the one for unpacking the NDR
- create war file in Eclipse using ant
- open repository/trunk/build.xml in the Eclipse Ant window
- right click the war target and select Run as... Ant Build
- repository.war is created in repository/trunk/dist
- copy repository/trunk/dist/repository.war to %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps
- continue with instructions at Run the repository application:
Did it work?
Follow Edupak instructions.
NOTE: There will be more objects than just ndr:root and ndr:trusted. Some of those objects were created by installing Fedora 3.3. The rest are the content models installed by NDR along with ndr:root and ndr:trusted.
7. Preparing NDR for NCS
Before Beginning
You will need a copy of ncore_client_admin-1.3.jar to live in C:\Edupak. If no changes have been made to the source code that creates the jar file, you can copy the jar file from the Edupak download out of the file. OR you can generate this file by running the ant target dist-admin in*/build.xml (where * is trunk, branch, or tag that is appropriate).
How to do it?
Follow Edupak instructions.
NOTE: Several questions regarding selecting an agent and making ndr:root the default were never presented. I continued with the question that was presented according to the Edupak instructions and everything seemed to go fine.
Did it work?
Follow Edupak instructions.
8. Installing NCS
How to do it?
Follow Edupak instructions.
NOTE: The NCS agent handle is typically ndr:1
Did it work?
Follow Edupak instructions.
9. Installing DDS
Not attempted yet.