TNS Internal:NDR/Dashboard/FeatureRequests

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NDR Dashboard Feature Requests


The purpose of this process is to gather requirements and determine the ultimate purpose and function of the dashboard. Requests here are not guarenteed to be part of the dashboard. The final feature set will be determined by a meeting of the developers.

Feature Requests

Enter any feature request that you have for the Dashboard application, including functionality, questions you want to be able to answer, reports, etc.

For ease of reading, please separate each idea with <hr>.

  • Browse Collections
    • View a list of Collections by name
    • View a summary of a collection (number of items in the collection, available formats/datastreams, title, contact, branding info, etc., agents authorized to change)
    • Find/Search collections by title, available formats/datastreams, etc.

  • Browse Items in Collections
    • View a list of the items in a collection (listed by handle, data modified, agent, etc.)
    • View a summary of an item in a collection (title, date modified, agent, etc.)
    • Find/Search items in a collection by basic attributes (available format, date modified, contents of the metadata, etc.)

  • Browse agents in the NDR
    • View a list of agents and the collections they are authorized to change

  • Create, Update, Delete collections
    • Create and update a collections and agents authorized to change
    • Actions restricted to authorized personnel only

  • Create, Update, Delete items in collections
    • Actions restricted to authorized personnel only

  • Create, Update, Delete agents
    • Automated generation of public/private keys
    • Actions restricted to authorized personnel only

  • Log-in to Dashboard using NSDL account or a configured account
    • Configure Dashboard to work with an LDAP or just a list of configured users

Browsing UI Implementation Notes

Personal tools