| Feature
| Comments
| 1.1::1 Destination Templates
| 1.1::2 Destinations
| 1.1::2.5 Support for Browse Destinations
| 1.1::2.5.1 Write code to get a list all destinations
| 1.1::2.5.2 Write code to get a list all distributions for a destination
| 1.1::2.5.3 Write code to get a list all ranges for a destination
| 1.1::2.5.4 Write code to get a list all distributions within a range for a destination
| 1.1::2 Destinations
| 1.1::2.5 Security
| 1.1::2.5.1 Role: Lister of distributions for a destination
| 1.1::2.5.2 Role: Viewer of distributions for a destination
| 1.1::2.5.3 Role: Creator of distributions for a destination
| 1.1::2.5.4 Role: Editor of distributions for a destination
| 1.1::2.5.5 Role: Approver of distributions for a destination
| 1.1::2.5.6 Role: Commentor of distributions for a destination
| 1.1::2.5.7 Role: Destination Administrator for a destination
| 1.1::2.6 UI: Assign Security Roles to a Destination
| 1.1::2.6.1 Determine interactions with FezACML
| 1.1::2.6.2 php file handling display for UI
| 1.1::2.6.3 smarty template to display UI
| 1.1::2.7 Destination Admin Privileges
| 1.1::2.7.1 Allow modification of group membership
| 1.1::2.7.2 Allow configuration of a destination
| 1.1::2.7.3 Allow configuration of ranges for a destination
| 1.1::2.7.4 Allow setting users/groups to roles for a destination
| 1.1::3 Distributions
| 1.1::3.1 UI: Select Destination and Distribution
| 1.1::3.1.4 Get list of destinations (security restricted)
| 1.1::4 My OnRamp
| 1.1::6 Browse Destinations
| 1.1::6.1 UI: List all destinations
| 1.1::6.1.1 Call code to get list of all destinations and pass to UI
| 1.1::6.1.2 Browse Destinations link on navigation bar
| 1.1::6.1.3 Equivalent of list.php for destinations
| 1.1::6.1.4 Create icon representing Browse Destinations
| 1.1::6.1.5 Create icon representing a destination
| 1.1::6.2 UI: Choice of View Distributions and View Results
| 1.1::6.2.1 Call code to get list of second level options for a destination and pass to UI
| 1.1::6.2.2 UI to display second level options
| 1.1::6.2.3 Create icon representing Destinations
| 1.1::6.2.4 Create icon representing distributions
| 1.1::6.2.5 Create icon representing ranges
| 1.1::6.2.6 Create icon representing results
| 1.1::6.2.7 Count number of distributions
| Very slow, so disabled.
| 1.1::6.2.8 Count number of ranges
| 1.1::6.2.9 Count number of results
| 1.1::6.3 UI: Display list of distributions
| 1.1::6.3.1 Call code to get list of all distributions for a destination and pass to UI
| 1.1::6.3.2 Call code to get list of all distributions within a range for a destination and pass to UI
| 1.1::6.3.3 UI to display a list of distributions
| 1.1::6.3.4 Create icon representing Distributions
| 1.1::6.3.5 Create icon representing a distribution
| 1.1::6.3.6 Hook up to edit workflow
| 1.1::6.3.7 Hook up to delete workflow
| 1.1::6.4 UI: Display list of ranges for a destination
| 1.1::6.4.1 Call code to get list of all ranges for a destination and pass to UI
| 1.1::6.4.2 UI to display a list of ranges
| 1.1::6.4.3 Create icon representing Ranges
| 1.1::6.4.4 Create icon representing a range
| 1.1::6.4.5 Count number of distributions in a range
| 1.1::6.5 UI: Display list of cached results for a destination
| 1.1::6.5.1 Call code to get list of all cached results for a destination and pass to UI
| 1.1::6.5.2 UI to display a list of results
| 1.1::6.5.3 Create icon representing Results
| 1.1::6.5.4 Create icon representing a result