TNS Internal:NDR/API/2.0/specification/undeleteCollection

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Proposed method for inclusion in NDR/API 2.0.

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NDR API Documentation - undeleteCollection

Undelete the specified collection and all metadata and annotations that are part of the collection. Any objects that are members of this collection that are marked as deleted will be made active regardless of the date or method used for deleting.

Request URL[handle]
where [handle] is defined in the Arguments section.
May be an HTTP GET or POST request.


Parameters on Request URL:

  • [handle] (required) - the externally resolvable identifier of the collection (returned by addCollection)

Request URL Example

Below is an example of a request URL for undeleting (mark as active) a collection identified by a handle and all metadata and annotations that are part of the collection in the NDR.


Structure of response:

  • handle - the externally resolvable identifier for the Collection.
  • handleURL - the permanent URL to an XML representation of the Collection in the NDR.

Response Example

Below is an example response for this request.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NSDLDataRepository schemaVersion="1.00.000" 

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