TNS Internal:NDR/API/2.0/specification/listResourceMetadata
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Proposed method for inclusion in NDR/API 2.0.
- Please provide feedback and comments in the NSDL Data Repository (NDR) API 2.0 Forum of the NSDL Community Forums.
NDR API Documentation - listResourceMetadata
List resources and related metadata and annotations.
Request URL
- where [handle], [XMLFormat], and [pageSize] are defined in the Arguments section.
- May be an HTTP GET or POST request.
Parameters on Request URL:
- [handle] (optional) - the externally resolvable identifier of a collection (returned by addCollection). NOTE: If passed in, resources are limited to those in the specified collection; otherwise, all resources are returned.
- [XMLFormat] (optional) - id of the format in which the metadata will be returned transforming if necessary (defaults to native format passed in during addMetadataRecord) NOTE: requires registration of transform in advance
- [pageSize] (optional) - number of records to return at a time. If smaller than that total number of matching records, a resumption token will be provided.
Request URL Example
Below is an example of a request URL for resources and related metadata and annotations.
Structure of response:
- additional primary elements
- resumptionToken - used to get the next page of records NOTE: empty if this is the last page
- currentPage - page count of the current set of returned records
- recordsInCurrentPage - count of the number of records returned in this page
- totalNumberOfPages - number of pages holding all records matching the request
- totalNumberOfRecords - total number of records matching the request
- for each resource
- header
- resourceURL - URL to the web resource
- handle - the externally resolvable identifier for the Resource.
- handleURL - the permanent URL to an XML representation of the resource in the NDR.
- contentType - mimetype of internally stored content NOTE: Not specified for external content.
- annotatedBy - annotations for the resource
- cataloguedBy
- for each metadata record
- header
- handle - the externally resolvable identifier for the Metadata.
- handleURL - the permanent URL to an XML representation of the metadata record in the NDR.
- externalIdentifier - application specific identifier that can be stored to facilitate retrieval by applications
- XMLFormat - id of the format of the returned metadata
- collectionName - name of the collection that holds this metadata record
- collectionHandle - the externally resolvable identifier for the Collection
- agentName - name of the agent application responsible for the Collection that holds this metadata record
- agentHandle - the externally resolvable identifier for the Agent
- metadataXML - the metadata record in the requested format
- annotatedBy - annotations for the metadata record
- header
- for each metadata record
Response Example
Below is an example response for this request.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <NSDLDataRepository schemaVersion="1.00.000" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <responseTime>2006-04-10T18:07:53Z</responseTime> <requestURL>[handle]?XMLFormat=[XMLFormat]&pageSize=[pageSize]</requestURL> <resumptionToken></resumptionToken> <currentPage>3</currentPage> <recordsInCurrentPage>2</recordsInCurrentPage> <totalNumberOfPages>29</totalNumberOfPages> <totalNumberOfRecords>57</totalNumberOfRecords> <resultData> <record> <header> <resourceURL></resourceURL> <handle>2200/20061643458</handle> <handleURL></handleURL> </header> <annotatedBy /> <cataloguedBy> <record> <header> <handle>2200/20061212656</handle> <handleURL></handleURL> <externalIdentifier>SSC-000-000-000-061</externalIdentifier> <XMLFormat>nsdl_dc</XMLFormat> <collectionName>Spooky Stuff Collaborative</collectionName> <collectionHandle>2200/20061258472</collectionHandle> <agentName>NCS</agentName> <agentHandle>2200/20061857483</agentHandle> </header> <metadataXML> <nsdl_dc:nsdl_dc xmlns:nsdl_dc="" schemaVersion="1.02.000" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <dc:title>My life: a Monster's Story.</dc:title> <dc:description>The story of Frankenstein.</dc:description> <dc:identifier></dc:identifier> <dc:creator>Baron Von Frankenstein</dc:creator> <dc:author>Mary Shelly</dc:author> </nsdl_dc:nsdl_dc> </metadataXML> <annotatedBy> <record> <header> <handle>2200/20061293832</handle> <handleURL></handleURL> <externalIdentifier>SSC-000-000-000-063</externalIdentifier> <XMLFormat>nsdl_anno</XMLFormat> <collectionName>Spooky Stuff Collaborative</collectionName> <collectionHandle>2200/20061258472</collectionHandle> <agentName>NCS</agentName> <agentHandle>2200/20061857483</agentHandle> </header> <annotationXML> <nsdl_anno:nsdl_anno> <title>Annotations for Global Sun Temperature Project</title> <date created="2004-11-24"/> <text type="Comment">This resource provides pedagogical insight concerning learners' pre-conceptions and misconceptions about the moon's phases and the seasons.</text> <rating min="1" max="10">5</rating> </nsdl_anno:nsdl_anno> </annotationXML> </record> </annotatedBy> </record> <record> <header> <handle>2200/20061293824</handle> <handleURL></handleURL> <externalIdentifier>GST-000-000-000-062</externalIdentifier> <XMLFormat>nsdl_dc</XMLFormat> <collectionName>Ghost Stories and Other Tales</collectionName> <collectionHandle>2200/20061258472</collectionHandle> <agentName>NCS</agentName> <agentHandle>2200/20061857483</agentHandle> </header> <metadataXML> <nsdl_dc:nsdl_dc xmlns:nsdl_dc="" schemaVersion="1.02.000" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <dc:title>My life: a Monster's Story.</dc:title> <dc:description>The story of Frankenstein as told by Frankenstein himself.</dc:description> <dc:identifier></dc:identifier> <dc:creator>Baron Von Frankenstein</dc:creator> </nsdl_dc:nsdl_dc> </metadataXML> <annotatedBy /> </record> </cataloguedBy> </record> <record> <header> <resourceURL></resourceURL> <handle>2200/20061698994</handle> <handleURL></handleURL> </header> <annotatedBy /> <cataloguedBy> <record> <header> <handle>2200/20061299843</handle> <handleURL></handleURL> <externalIdentifier>FCO-000-000-000-054</externalIdentifier> <XMLFormat>nsdl_dc</XMLFormat> <collectionName>Feline Collaborative</collectionName> <collectionHandle>2200/20061258472</collectionHandle> <agentName>NCS</agentName> <agentHandle>2200/20061857483</agentHandle> </header> <metadataXML> <nsdl_dc:nsdl_dc xmlns:nsdl_dc="" schemaVersion="1.02.000" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <dc:title>Brushing a Fluffy Kitty: Important Techniques</dc:title> <dc:description>Taking care of fluffy kitties.</dc:description> <dc:identifier></dc:identifier> <dc:creator>Meo W. Feline</dc:creator> <dc:author>Sarah Jane</dc:author> </nsdl_dc:nsdl_dc> </metadataXML> <annotatedBy/> </record> <record> <header> <handle>2200/20064334529</handle> <handleURL></handleURL> <externalIdentifier>CCH-000-000-000-055</externalIdentifier> <XMLFormat>nsdl_dc</XMLFormat> <collectionName>Cat Care and Health</collectionName> <collectionHandle>2200/20061258472</collectionHandle> <agentName>NCS</agentName> <agentHandle>2200/20061857483</agentHandle> </header> <metadataXML> <nsdl_dc:nsdl_dc xmlns:nsdl_dc="" schemaVersion="1.02.000" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <dc:title>Brushing a Fluffy Kitty: Important Techniques</dc:title> <dc:description>Good description of the best brushing techniques for long hair cats.</dc:description> <dc:identifier></dc:identifier> <dc:creator>Meo W. Feline</dc:creator> <dc:author>Sarah Jane</dc:author> </nsdl_dc:nsdl_dc> </metadataXML> <annotatedBy /> </record> </cataloguedBy> </record> <resultData> </NSDLDataRespository>
API Links:
- Conceptual Framework (2.0 philosophy)
- APIBasics
- ObjectTypes
- Encoding
- APIRequestsByObject v1.0
- APIRequestsAlphabetical v1.0
- APIRequestsByObject v2.0