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Roles for content creation and NSDL resource contribution using Expert Voices
Site administrator
- can do anything other roles can do ANYWHERE
- create/delete blogs
- publish blog to NDR (until blog is added to NDR, no posts can be added)
Blog administrator
- can do anything other roles can do, ONLY in their blog
- add users or edit roles
- edit title and tagline of blog and de/activate plugins
- publish posts to NDR IF blog added and plugin activated
Blog editor
- write and publish posts to blog AND NDR
- like other posters, can search NSDL and add links with slugs to landing page
- approve/edit/delete other posts and comments
- add/edit categories and links
Blog author
- write and publish own posts to blog, but NOT to NDR
- like contributor, can search NSDL and add links with slugs to landing page
- view other posts in "Manage", but NOT edit them
- approve comments for their posts
Blog contributor
- write posts, but NOT publish to blog OR NDR
- search NSDL and add links with slugs to landing page
Blog subscriber - initial role in blog
- add comments, but NOT posts