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Documents for Beta Version
- Community:ExpertVoices/WorkPlan (updated 05/09/07)
- ExpertVoices Report to CI (PPT 8/10/06)
- Community:ExpertVoices/ImplementationDetails (updated 8/4/06)
- Beta Requirements document (updated 7/11/06)
- EV-NDR Objects and relationships\
- Community:ExpertVoices/UserFeedback wiki page (summarized from mail list and other sources)
Meeting Notes
- EV Update presentation to Cornell CI and OutComm 8/06 (ppt)
- Community_Internal:ExpertVoices/BetaNotes 6/06, 6/08, *protected page.
- April 19
Supporting documents/presentations
- NSF Brown Bag Presentation Dean 4/06 (ppt)
- EV Lifecycles and Scenarios Blythe Bennet 5/06 (blog post)
- A Community:ExpertVoices/ShortHistory of Expert Voices up to 6/06 Elly (html).
- Mail list archives