Community:Collections and Metadata/VocabDevel
From NSDLWiki
Vocabulary Development for the NSDL
NOTE: As of 2007 March 01 this page is out of date and NSDL vocabulary developement has been assigned to a newly reformed NSDL Metadata Working Group. Ths new NSDL Metadata Working Group is developing Best Practices for the NSDL_DC metadata framework including vocabulary terms, term definitions, field definitions, cataloging best practices and XML examples. The web page for this group is currently at:
On June 10-11, the NSDL held a Vocabulary Workshop in Washington, DC. Approximately 20 people, some affiliated with NSDL projects or NSDL Core Infrastructure, others experts in vocabularies and vocabulary development, gathered to begin the process of developing a vocabulary strategy for the NSDL. The focus was on Audience terms (including Education Level and Mediator) and a resource type vocabulary for educational materials. Discussions around Interactivity Level vocabulary and Pedagogy were also part of the workshop.
Presentations at the workshop:
- Diane Hillmann: "NSDL Vocabulary Workshop: Introduction" HTML version Powerpoint version
- Joe Tennis: "Dublin Core Audience Elements: A Study of a Data Analysis Technique for Controlled Vocabulary Interoperability" HTML version Powerpoint version
- Keith Stubbs: "ED Web Metadata Vocabularies" HTML version Powerpoint version
Other workshop materials:
- From Keith Stubbs: "Ed Web Vocabularies" and "Education Levels Crosswalk" Excel version HTML version
- From Jon Phipps: "NSDL Audience Analysis" Excel version HTML version
- Report from Norm Friesen Librarians do E-Learning Metadata! A Report on the NSDL Vocabulary Workshop
- Full Workshop Notes, by Stuart Sutton
Tutorials and training materials:
- Creating and Managing Controlled Vocabularies for Use in Metadata Tutorial presented by Stuart Sutton and Joseph Tennis at the DC2004 Conference, Shanghai, China.
- DLESE Controlled Vocabularies Overview A good overview of vocabulary types and issues.
Links to other relevant work happening elsewhere:
- RDN-LTSN resource type vocabulary]
- First Draft of educationLevel vocabulary
- Second Draft of educationLevel vocabulary
- Final Draft (with full details) of educationLevel vocabulary
- First Draft of the LearningResourceType Vocabulary. This draft was developed by the Eisenhower National Clearinghouse. Contact Judy Ridgway with comments or questions.
- NSDL & Different kinds of Learning Resources A short article by Norm Friesen about the LearningResourceType draft.
- LRT Wiki Version
- DLESE Comments on Wiki Version
- LRT Wiki Version2
- Community:Collections and Metadata/Additions_Suggestions
A discussion list for this group can be found at: Metamanagement-Vocabularies