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NCore is an open-source suite of tools and services for creating production digital libraries and related repository systems. It provides a general platform for building digital libraries united by a common data model and interoperable applications. NCore currently powers the National Science Digital Library (NSDL), which catalogs over 2.5 million resources from over 130 digital collection providers and thousands of web sites.

NCore consists of a central repository that uses Fedora as its underlying data store; a data model and a web services API that implements the model; a number of fundamental services, including two full-text search services, OAI-PMH aggregation and service; and a suite of end-user tools, including the NCS cataloging and metadata management tool, the Expert Voices blogging system, and a repository-integrated wiki.

A growing number of the components of NCore have been released on SourceForge under the Educational Community License (ECL 1.0), with plans to release the entire suite during the first half of 2008. See below for a list of and links to the released components.



Papers Describing NCore

The following papers describe various aspects of the NCore architecture, platform, and suite of tools and services, as well as the NSDL architecture that it evolved from.


Interoperability of NDR Collaborative Tools through Community Aggregations in the NDR

Released Components

  • NSDL Data Repository (NDR) API
NDR Documentation
NDR API 1.1 Download (Sourceforge)
NCore javadocs (Sourceforge)
  • NSDL Collection System (NCS)
The NCS manages digital collections directly in the NSDL Data Repository (NDR)
NCS Documentation
NCS Installation instructions
NCS Software Download (Sourceforge)
  • Digital Discovery System (DDS)
The DDS creates a local search index from collections in the NSDL Data Repository (NDR). DDS Web services may then be used to construct targeted thematic portals or other discovery-based applications.
DDS Web service documentation
DDS Installation instructions
DDS Software Download (Sourceforge)
  • Content Cache
The Content Cache fetches, stores, and refreshes a specified set of web pages, for querying via a web service. NCore uses the Content Cache to enrich the search index, to produce "best-passage" results to search queries, and to provide liveness indicators for web pages. Uses the Nutch 0.9 fetching engine.
ContentCache Documentation
Content Cache 1.0 download(SourceForge)
  • NSDL Search Service
Applications for building and maintaining a Lucene-based search index from the contents of the NSDL, and a web service for querying the index.
Search Documentation
Search Service 1.0 beta download(SourceForge)
  • Search Tools
Utility classes and command-line tools for use with the Content Cache and the NSDL Search Service.
Search Tools Documentation
Search Tools download(SourceForge)

NDR Collaborative Tools in development

There are currently three NSDL collaborative tools that have extensions developed to interact with the NSDL Data Repository: OnRamp (Content management system), ExpertVoices (Blogosphere), and the NSDL Wiki. These extension will be made available on when available for release.

See Choosing and using collaborative tools

OnFire Documentation
Beta version.
Plugins for WordPress MU
ExpertVoices Documentation
NSDL plugins Release 1.0 - Available on SourceForge
Currently running on WPMU 1.3.3
Extensions for MediaWiki
NSDLWiki Documentation
NSDL extensions Release 1.0 - Available on SourceForge
Currently running on MediaWiki 1.11
Personal tools