A Retrospective Review on a Decade of Building a National Science Digital Library to Transform STEM Education

May 6, 2013 at 3:23 pm Leave a comment

In April 2012 a three-day writing workshop was convened to generate a retrospective report on the NSDL library-building process. Workshop participants addressed the following research questions in group meetings and writing sessions of small teams:

  • How has the vision for the NSDL been realized?
  • How has NSDL developed over time?
  • What new knowledge has been generated as a result?
  • Where are / were successes and challenges for NSDL?
  • How could the NSDL inform cyber-learning programs?

The resulting workshop report is structured as a series of essays and highlights a number of the significant lessons learned and contributions made by the hundreds of individuals who worked to advance digital library research and STEM education.

The report can be found at: http://serc.carleton.edu/p2p_redux/index.html

You can also download the report to your iPad via the iBooks app (this works best with the latest iBooks App installed (v 3.0)). Note: Kindle Fire users can also download this file to their desktop computers and then go the extra step to move it to their Fire.

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Entry filed under: NSDL Collections, NSDL Core Integration, NSDL Pathways, NSDL Reflections Background, NSDL Services, Project Type. Tags: , , , .

NSDL Community Revisits Pathways to Progress

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We are collecting the "reflections" on the collaborative development of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL). This site is a place for NSDL participants to “tell the story” of how they think NSDL was formed, grew and is continuing to grow. And for the community to discuss and learn from these reflections.

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