Archive for October 26, 2010

Happy Birthday NSDL!

This November marks 10 years of the NSDL. Happy Birthday! Did we know or only hope that 10 years after embarking on this experiment that the NSDL would still be growing and thriving? In Pathways to Progress, we outlined a set of ten challenges in building this resource:

  • developing a shared vision for the form and function of the NSDL;
  • meeting the needs of diverse learners;
  • meeting the needs of the many disciplines encompassed by the NSDL;
  • acquiring input from the community of users to ensure that the NSDL is both used and useable;
  • developing a governance structure and Core Integration System that balances community needs with technical applications;
  • integrating technologies that already exist, and promoting the development and integration of new technologies;
  • providing mechanisms for sharing knowledge and resources, and building cooperation among NSDL collaborators;
  • evaluating NSDL and its impact on STEM education; and
  • coordinating these many interests and functions to provide an integrated whole.

Take a moment to send your birthday wishes to the NSDL, make a comment and share your impressions about participating in this grand experiment.

Ten years later, how did we do? Did we overcome these barriers and achieve the vision? Or, has the NSDL, like so many other organizations, been experienced goal creep and become something different?

Share with others your thoughts about how we have (or have not) addressed the challenges the community envisioned ten years ago. What are the challenges as we move forward into the next decade?

October 26, 2010 at 4:37 pm Leave a comment

Welcome to NSDL Reflections!

We are collecting the "reflections" on the collaborative development of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL). This site is a place for NSDL participants to “tell the story” of how they think NSDL was formed, grew and is continuing to grow. And for the community to discuss and learn from these reflections.

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