Annual Meeting

Automated Metadata Generation

Event Date and Time: 
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 9:40am - 10:40am
Room 3

ASN Toolkit: Linking Cyber Learning Systems Through Achievement Standards

Event Date and Time: 
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 9:40am - 10:40am
Room 3

The Achievement Standards Network (ASN) Toolkit pulls together Web-based services to facilitate a cataloger’s efforts in generating metadata and correlating NSDL resources to achievement standards.  Presentation

Personalizing Search

Event Date and Time: 
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 9:40am - 10:40am
Room 2

Anne Diekema, Lynne Davis

Come see why the process of resource discovery in digital libraries needs to be molded to allow personal and social information management to improve usability and library effectiveness.

Implementing Web 2.0 Functionalities on NSDL Portals

Event Date and Time: 
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 9:40am - 10:40am
Room 2

Activities and Lessons Learned from the SMILE Pathway

Event Date and Time: 
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 9:40am - 10:40am
Room 1

CPALMS: Florida's Curriculum Planning and Learning Management System

Event Date and Time: 
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 9:40am - 10:40am
Room 1

Lightning Talks

Event Date and Time: 
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 8:30am - 9:30am
Room 3

Lightning Talk Descriptions and Presentation Files:

Implementing User Panels to Evaluate Digital Libraries

Event Date and Time: 
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 8:30am - 9:30am
Room 2

Developing an Evaluation Tookit for Pathways and Other Collections

Event Date and Time: 
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 8:30am - 9:30am
Room 2

Alignment for Dummies: How to Refine the Way You Align

Event Date and Time: 
Thu, 11/19/2009 - 8:30am - 9:30am
Room 1
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