Welcome to the NSDL Network Site
Mon, 08/10/2009 - 4:36pm
As the NSDL community has matured, a network rich in expertise and potential has evolved. All of you have successfully capitalized on this network, creating partnerships and building relationships among NSDL projects as well as with the greater STEM community.
While these connections are valuable, networks of networks also mean layers of complexity, resulting in lots of questions: Where do I go to find out what others are doing at a greater depth? Who do I talk to about a particular problem I’m having? Who is doing similar work right now on their project? What collaborative tools can we use to pool our resources on a particular task?
NSDL has created this site for the networked community as a resource for news and information about NSDL activities, events, initiatives, currrent work.
We invite you to participate fully in this site by:
1. Posting news announcements, accomplishments, notifications and requests for participation in the Community News space on the home page
2. Subscribing to postings and/or feeds to stay attuned to NSDL activities
3. Adding your comments or asking questions
4. Using the search function on the site to locate specific postings, topics, or documents; using the Help page; or contacting us if you would like specific help in contributing content (send an email to NSDL) - specify "NSDL Community site" or "nsdlnetwork.org" in the subject line)