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Common Core Collection Work Group

This project represents an effort to enhance the use and usability of learning materials in NSDL by aligning NSDL resources to the Math Common Core Standards. The primary goal of this project is to create a premiere collection of open education resources from NSDL that have been related to the Common Core Standards in Math. Initially, resources will be identified by Internet Scout staff that relate to specific conceptual strands created by AAAS staff. In addition, we aim to create a process for relating resources to standards by hosting both face-to-face and virtual events, which can also be implemented for the Science Common Core Standards; be used by interested NSDL resource providers to also relate their resources to standards; and allow for additional resources to be added to the collection.

FINAL_CCSSI_Math Standards.pdf1.11 MB
Fractions Strand standards.061410.doc71 KB
Measurement of Length, Area and Volume Strand.061410.doc55.5 KB
MathCommonCore.7.22.2010.xls60 KB
CommonCoreScope.docx12.31 KB
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