NSDL Cyberlearning Tools for Climate Education

Event Date and Time: 
Tue, 09/29/2009 - 6:00pm - Thu, 10/01/2009 - 1:00pm
NOAA, Washington DC

This community needs assessment workshop will gauge the current state of digital learning tools and resources for climate education, and the opportunities to collaborate in emerging areas of need. The event will convene thoughtleader- practitioners from P-20 and informal education, climate science, science communication, and digital resource developer communities--as well as policymakers and other stakeholders.

With an emphasis on pragmatic outcomes, cross- sector working groups will outline the most pressing needs for different populations of climate education producers, consumers, and researchers; and discuss the unique opportunities for cyberlearning tools to catalyze public understanding of climate change.

Participants will also evaluate several existing tools for their potential applicability to new climate education challenges, including the NSDL Science Literacy Maps: http:// strandmaps.nsdl.org/.


This service of the National Science Digital Library, based on the AAASProject 2061 Atlas of Science Literacy, offers a model for connecting the Essential Principles of Climate Literacy to useful teaching and learning resources in a context that facilitates age- appropriate knowledge construction across conceptual strands.                                                                                      

See:http:// www.globalchange.gov/whats-new/282-climate- literacy-framework