Tracking the Conference

You can track the buzz around the NSDL Annual Meeting by monitoring the following social networking applications.




We invite all attendees to comment about the meeting and sessions by adding the #nsdl2009 hashtag to your tweets about the meeting on Twitter.  Monitor Twitter for #nsdl2009.




If you upload photos from the 2009 Annual Meeting to Flickr, you can tag them with 'nsdl2009.'  Monitor Flickr photos for nsdl2009.

Presentation Sharing


If you share your presentations from the 2009 Annual Meeting, you can tag them with 'nsdl2009.'  Monitor Slideshare for nsdl2009.


Social Bookmarking


Discovered great websites and tools at the meeting?  Share them with Diigo by tagging them with 'nsdl2009.'  Monitor Diigo for nsdl2009.



Delicious is anther social bookmarking tool that you can use to share websites that you discovered at the 2009 NSDL Annual Meeting.  Tag your resources with 'nsdl2009.'  Monitor delicious for nsdl2009.