I still remember when my sixth grade science teacher took us outside, gave us each a block of wood and a magnifying glass, and showed us how to harness the sun’s energy to burn our zodiac sign into wood.
Sure, the zodiac thing dates me (I’m a Cancer, an unfortunately named sign if there ever was […]
Archive for July, 2010
No child left inside: the Rx for ‘nature deficit disorder’
Thursday, July 22nd, 2010 4:36 pm
Written by: erinv
Teaching to the oil spill (& helping with a solution)
Thursday, July 15th, 2010 12:27 pm
Written by: erinv
Since April 20, people around the world have watched as millions of gallons of oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico. We tune in to news accounts of oil-covered pelicans, tar balls on beaches, and underwater “plumes” that may be even more damaging that the oil washing up on our shorelines. An entire ecosystem, not […]
Posted in Topics: Citizen Science, Ecology, Engineering and Technology, General, Scientific Ethics
Posted in Topics: Outdoor and Nature, Physical Sciences
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