Collections Assessment
NSDL Progress Report
2003 Principal Investigator Survey
Usage Tracking
Workshop on Evaluating Educational Impact
A task force convened to examine new approaches towards collection assessment, in particular with respect to automatic or semi-automatic analyses of the NSDL metadata repository. The goal is to be able to track the growth of the repository across subject, audience, and resource type dimensions.
- Judy Ridgway (working group chair)
- Mimi Recker
- Boots Cassel
- Casey Jones
2003.04.23 - Draft 1 of the Controlled Vocabulary *please note that the workbook includes 4 worksheets/ 4 different controlled vocabularies - format - learning resource type - audience - subject
Comments on the Controlled Vocabulary
More Details on the Process
- use vocabularies from 2002 Evaluation Pilot Study to create initial controlled vocabulary lists
- review of developed controlled vocabulary lists by the Evaluation community
- validation of controlled vocabulary by additional NSDL collections' vocabularies
- use lexical analysis to classify materials (Steve Bethard)
- use SVM Classification (Support Vector Machine) - a machine learning process (Steve Bethard)
- Project Goals using SVM (Judy Ridgway)
- develop training data for SVM process
*next step
Anita Coleman has worked on a separate analysis. This analysis comes from the 2002 NSDL Pilot Evaluation conducted by the EI&ESC.
Project Description
Preliminary Crosswalk of 2002 Pilot Evaluation information
ENC Crosswalk
DC Crosswalk
A collections assessment taskforce within the NSDL Educational Impact and Evaluation Standing Committee is developing a crosswalk to be used to analyze the depth and breadth of the resources within the NSDL distributed collections base. The taskforce is not establishing standard vocabularies for the metadata repository. The metadata elements used in this analysis are discipline, audience, and resource type (format and media type).
Collections Assessment - Overview of Results 2003-10 [doc]
Representatives of the EIESC and NSDL Core Integration convened to design, gather data, and produce an Annual Report summarizing the current 'state-of-the-union' for NSDL. The report pulled together primary accomplishments to date and the evaluation data collected from the pilot study and workshops conducted by the EIESC. This report was envisioned to be produced yearly as a joint EIESC and CI effort.
The first NSDL Progress Report covered NSDL from Fall 2000 to Summer 2003.
Building on the 2002 Library Building and Governance Survey, the 2003 PI Survey group worked to develop a statistically reliable instrument for community-wide deployment.
Sarah Giersch was the team lead for this working group.
PI Survey - results presentation [ppt]
2003 PI Survey - summary of results [doc]
2003 PI Survey - analysis of results [doc]
Designed to examine scalable, centralized, sampling approaches to web metrics collection and analyses. Key issues to consider are algorithmic approaches for automatic data preparation, sampling methodologies, and reporting formats. The EIESC is working to determine the best means for accomplishing this goal.
The EIESC planned this workshop in coordination with CI to address the areas identified as being of high interest and need by the respondents to the Evaluation Practices Survey administered at the 2002 All Projects Meeting, including..
common tools for designing evaluation plans
specific information about a variety of data collection methods
methods for technology evaluation
data analysis resources
usability testing
assessment of learning outcomes
The workshop morphed to focus on a single topic, Evaluating Educational Impact. NSDL community members and invited guests worked together to address issues affecting digital libraries and educational impact. More information on the Workshop details and outcomes can be found on the workshop website.
Ed Impact Workshop - results presentation [ppt]
2003 Ed Impact Workshop - summary of results [doc] |