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Hotel Directions
Directions to the Omni Hotel in Broomfield.

Overview and outline for Learn_NSDL publication.

Project summary from Lee: a project of interest relative to our planning for the next year

Project summary from Lee: a project of interest relative to our planning for the next year

Project summary from Lee: a project of interest relative to our planning for the next year

Project summary from Lee: a project of interest relative to our planning for the next year

Core Integration Staff List
Agenda for the August 18-19, 2004 meeting between Pathways and Core Integration

NSDL Workshop Summary
A summary of NSDL Community Workshops from Fall 2003 – Summer 2004. Summaries Excerpted from 2004 Annual Report Draft Text

CI Outreach & Comm Plan
The Core Integration Outreach and Communications Action Plan

CI Publications and Pilots
A description of current CI publications and the NY Pilot Study.

Participant list for Pathways-CI meeting August 18-19,2004

Agenda for the Pathways-CI meeting August 18-19, 2004

Status report about publisher engagement in NSDL

SHODOR Collection Development Policy

Schedule of conferences that CI staff will be attending.

NSDL Statement of Quality
NSDL Statement of Quality for library materials

CI Collection Selection Criteria
Overview of the collection selection criteria used by the CI Director of Collection Development

NSDL Work Tracker 8/25/04 Priority Rpt
NSDL Work Tracker 8/25/04 Priority Rpt

Notes from the Technical Breakout group at the CI-Pathways meeting on August 18, 2004.

Presentation on branding issues by Carol Minton Morris at the CI-Pathways Meeting 8-18-2004.

Notes on the Outreach Breakout at the CI-Pathways meeting 8-18-2004.

Overview of NSDL publications at the Outraeach Breakout of the CI-Pathways meeting 8-18-2004

Summary of Outreach Breakout session at the CI-Pathways meeting 8-2004

Summary of points of collaboration for Outreach/Communications/Marketing at the CI-Pathways meeting 8-2004.

Summary of discussion about common issues between CI and Pathways 8-2004.

Rights management presentation at the CI-Pathways meeting 8-2004.

ThursdayAM Notes8-2004
Notes from presentations on August 19, 2004 at the CI-Pathways meeting.

Presentation by Len Simutis about the Middle School Portal, lessons learned, and NSDL as organization. At the CI-Pathways meeting 8-18-2004

Portal branding discussion at the Outreach Breakout during the CI-Pathways meeting 8-18-2004.

Outcomes and actions items from the Pathways-CI meeting August 18-19, 2004.

AMSER Project Summary
One page summary of the AMSER Pathways Project.

MAA Privacy Policy
Privacy policy used by MAA.

Meeting Summary from 3-8-2005
Summary of the face-to-face Pathways-CI meeting at Columbia University 3-8-2005.

Engineering Pathway Learning Resource Types
Provided by the Engineering Pathway, this document relates the vocabulary for "learning resource type" on NEEDS and its mapping to various metadata authority lists.

Overview of the Fedora-Based NSDL Data Repository
Overview of the Fedora-based NSDL Data Repository (NDR) developed by Core Integration.

Communications in the NSDL: Overview
NSDL Communications provides audiences with a rich array of contextual information to understand the breadth of projects, activities and resources that comprise the National Science Digital Library. This provides an overview of major activities.

Web metrics, cookies, and privacy
An overview of the web metrics pilot, information about the Omniture software, and decisions about privacy and use of cookies.

Overview of the Infomine iVia work
An overview of the CI subcontract work being done by the Infomine project at U. California, Riverside on the iVia software, which performs web crawls and automatic metadata generation of web sites. Redesign Overview
Overview of the goals and expected outcomes of the current redesign.

Expert Voices", blogging and more
Plans for using web logs, along with content from AskNSDL, to provide content, interactions between users and experts, context surrounding library holdings, and other related information.

CI Subcontracts Overview
Overview of the CI subcontracts for 2005, including San Diego Supercomputing Center for archive, U. California, Riverside for iVia, and Syracuse for AskNSDL.

August 2005 Pathways-CI meeting agenda
Agenda for the August 18-19, 2005 Pathways-CI meeting in Boulder.

Webmetrics Pilot and Omniture Overview
An overview of the NSDL web metrics pilot, including goals, and an overview of the Omniture software and it's features.

Pathways-CI MOU
2005 Memorandum of Understanding between the Pathways projects and Core Integration.

Contact List
Pathways/Core Integration Contact List

CI org chart

Interviews summary
Pathways PI Interviews Summary, Susan Jesuroga, author

BEN profile
Biosciences Ed Net (BEN) Collaborative profile

ComPADRE profile
ComPADRE Astronomy and Physics Pathways profile

Annual Meeting 2006 Overview
NSDL 2006 Annual Meeting overview prepared by Susan Van Gundy for the April 25, 2006 National Visiting Committee Meeting (NVC)

Evaluation Overview NVC 4-25-2006
Evaluation activities overview prepared by Mick Khoo for April 25, 2006 National Visiting Committee (NVC) meeting

Outreach Events Schedule 2006
Schedule of all currently known outreach events for 2006 prepared by Susan Van Gundy for April 25, 2006 National Visiting Committee (NVC) meeting

Pathways projects report
Pathways projects status report prepared by Eileen McIlvain for April 25, 2006 National Visiting Committee (NVC) meeting

Pathways workshop schedule 2006
Schedule of proposed Pathways workshops for 2006-early 2007, prepared by Susan Van Gundy for April 25, 2006 National Visiting Committee (NVC) meeting

Publisher engagement report
Publisher engagement report prepared by Mike Luby for April 25, 2006 National Visiting Committee (NVC) meeting

Usage strategies report
Strategies for increasing usage report prepared by Susan Van Gundy for April 25, 2006 National Visiting Committee meeting

Technical infrastructure report
Technical infrastructure report prepared by Dean Krafft for April 25, 2006 National Visiting Committee (NVC) meeting

Web metrics
Web metrics report prepared by Mick Khoo for April 25, 2006 National Visiting Committee (NVC) meeting

MatDL profile
Materials Science Pathways: Materials Digital Library (MatDL) profile

Participants at Pathways Meeting, Aug. 3-4, 2006

Teachers' Domain profile
Pathway to Multimedia Resources for the Classroom and Professional Development: Teachers' Domain profile

Draft 2006 MOU
2006 Draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) revisions

MSP profile
Middle School Portal Pathway profile

Flora McMartin presentation
Flora McMartin presentation on Evaluators Workshop

Strategic Partnerships report revised
Revised Strategic Partnerships report, as of August 7, 2006 (post-meeting revision)

Amser profile
Pathway to Resources and Services for Community and Technical Colleges: Applied Math and Science Repository (AMSER) profile

Privacy MOU recommendations
Recommendations for a Privacy Policy Component to the NSDL MOU - Privacy working group

Tools and services
NSDL Tools and Services: A Starting Point - Karen Henry

DLESE as fedora use case
Tammy Sumner presentation on DLESE as a Fedora/NDR use case

June web metrics report
June 2007 Web Metrics report

Publisher Next Phase report (revised)
Publisher Next Phase report (revised 7/28/2007)

Pathways Meeting Agenda, as of July 31, 2006

Metadata policy/Authorized Service Provider statement
NSDL Metadata Policy (PC-3) with Authorized Service Provider statement (appendix)

Reeves User Guide to Evaluation report
User Guide to Evalution, by Thomas C. Reeves

Math Gateway profile, revised
Math Gateway profile, corrected 8/2/2006

Engineering profile, revised
Engineering Pathways profile, revised 8/02/2006

PC-3 Metadata Policy
PC-3 Metadata Policy, with Authorized Service Provider statement (appendix)

User testing report v.3.0
User Testing Report, v.3.0: "Results, Not Features", Mick Khoo, author

Summary User Testing
Summary - User Testing Report - "Results, Not Features" - Mick Khoo, author (first 5 pages)

Pathways agenda Aug 3-4, 2006
Final agenda version - Pathways meeting, Aug. 3-4, 2006

Revised Memorandum of Agreement, 2006, based on discussion and agreement of August 4, 2006.

Henry - Tools and Services
Karen Henry - NSDL CI tools and services summary

Van Gundy strategic partnerships presentation
Susan Van Gundy presentation on Strategic Partnerships

Bob Donahue presentation
Bob Donahue presentation on Omniture

Mick Khoo presentation on web metrics
Mick Khoo presentation on web metrics

Dean Krafft presentation on NSDL Metadata Repository (NDR) and collaborative tools

Mick Khoo presentation on user testing of search page

Giersch: Evaluators workshop report
Report on the NSDL Evaluators Meeting, Aug. 3-4, 2006, by Sarah Giersch

BEN meeting presentation
BEN meeting presentation

ComPADRE presentation
ComPADRE presentation

Engineering Pathway presentation
Engineering Pathway presentation

MatDL presentation
MatDL presentation

Math Gateway presentation
Math Gateway presentation

Pathways meeting summary final
Pathways meeting summary, final version (corrected)

Community Sign On poster (11/2005)by James Berger and Rob Lane

MatDL Workshop Agenda
MatDL Workshop Agenda

Metadata issues paper Susan Jesuroga
Proposal to CI and Pathways Regarding Metadata, by Susan Jesuroga, October 3, 2006

Tools-Services survey
CI/Pathways Tools and Services Survey, Fall 2006

2006 User Surveys Summary
User Survey Summary, 2006, by Mick Khoo

Co-branding guidelines-draft
Draft Recommendations for Pathways Co-branding Guidelines, Susan Van Gundy

2007 Strategic Campaigns
2007 Outreach and Communications Strategic Campaigns

Final Agenda PW Oct. 18, 2006
Final Agenda, Pathways Meeting, October 18, 2006

Participant list
Pathways meeting participant list, October 18, 2006

Registration elements report
Registration elements report - by Sarah Giersch, Evaluation Working Group (September 2006)

Campaigns presentation
Campaigns and co-branding presentation, Susan Van Gundy (October 2006)

Draft of metadata working group process - proposed, by Karen Henry

Meeting notes
Pathways PI Meeting Notes, October 18, 2006, Washington DC, by Eileen McIlvain

Metadata process proposal
Developing Best Practices for Metadata in the NSDL Data Repository, by Katy Ginger and Eileen McIlvain

Math Gateway Workshop Report
Math Gateway Workshop Report

AMSER workshop announcement

AMSER workshop application

Tools-Services survey
Core Integration and Pathways Tools and Services Inventory, 12/2007

Current MOU, Rev. 03-14-2007
NSDL Pathways/Core Integration Memorandum of Understanding, Rev. 03-14-2007 (current)

May 2007 Evaluaiton Working Group report CSO
Evaluation Working Group report - CSO user attributes May 7, 2007, by Sarah Giersch

Improving Science Teaching Practices
Improving Science Teaching Practices

Summer Science Forum
Teachers' Domain® Professional Development WGBH Educational Foundation Ted Sicker, Executive Producer, Teachers' Domain

What is Education For?
Six myths about the foundations of modern education, and six new principles to replace them by David Orr

restaurant recommendations
list of recommended restaurants

Courses and Collections
Courses and Collections

Professional Development Course Information
Professional Development Course Information

Intro to NSDL and TD
Intro to NSDL and TD

AMSER update
AMSER Pathway update, August 2007

wk black
wk blank

wk sample
wk smaple

action b
action b

Aug 2007 Pathway Meeting Agenda, ver. 072507
August 2007 Pathway Meeting Agenda, rev. 072507

BEN update
BEN Pathway update, August 2007

ComPADRE update
ComPADRE Pathway update, August 2007

ChemEd DL update
ChemEdDL Pathway update, August 2007

Google searches - PWs
Brad Edmondson, 7/31/2007: Google searches on Pathways keywords - results

Engineering Pathway update
Engineering Pathway update August 2007

MatDL update
MatDL Pathway update August 2007

MathDL update
MathDL Pathway update August 2007

MSP update
Middle School Portal update August 2007

Teachers' Domain update
Teachers' Domain Pathway update August 2007

CSERD update
CSERD Pathway update August 2007

Restricted metadata backgrounder
Restricting OAI background paper - Dean Krafft August 1-2, 2007

Pathway updates summary - McIlvain
Pathways updates summary - Eileen McIlvain, August 01, 2007 Pathway meeting presentation

Strand Map Service presentation - Sumner
Strand Map Service work - Digital Learning Sciences presentation, Tamara Sumner, August 01, 2007 Pathways meeting

Expert Voices Report - Edmondson
How Expert Voices posts improve NSDL Pathways' Google ranks, by Brad Edmondson, rev. 7/31/07

participants list Aug 2007
Pathway meeting participants, Aug 2007, for wiki

Pathways Overview - August 2007
Overview of Pathways updates, Eileen McIlvain, rev 7/31/07

Community Sign On summary - Millman
Community Sign On Summary presentation - David Millman, August 01, 2007 Pathway meeting

NSDL Publisher relationships - Luby
NSDL Publisher relationships - Mike Luby, August 01, 2007 Pathway meeting

Partnerships presentation
Strategic partnerships presentation, Susan Van Gundy

SMILE presentation
Presentation on the SMILE Pathway; Darrell Porcello

SMILE flyer
SMILE flyer (Annual Meeting 2007)