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Content Standing Committee

Mission: This committee recommends and implements policies to ensure that NSDL content is high quality, is appropriate and consistent, has technical integrity, and is accessible for use by global audiences of learners at all levels.

Committee Website:

Content Standing Committee Meeting

NSDL Annual Meeting 2003

Wednesday, October 15, 2003


South American B

CSC DraftAgenda 100903.doc

Agenda Items

A. Meeting the needs of projects:

B. Review the Draft NSDL Collection Development Policy (document can be found at � a subcommittee needs to be formed; they will bring their findings back to the Content Standing Committee so that we can recommend it to the Policy Committee using the guidelines in PC-1 Policy on Developing and Approving NSDL Policies (

C. Review of the new NSDL middle-school focus in general, and discuss its implications for upcoming CSC tasks and coordination with other SCs and the CI. Provide recommendations to the Middle School Portal developers on the following points:

D. How does the CSC support the work of the NVC, CI, and PC? See attached document for recommendations from NVC - NVC Pres Julu03.doc.

E. Plans for the election of CSC officers.

Associated Sessions:

15 - Evaluating the Content of Your Collection

16 - Implementation of Metadata Standards

17 - Innovative Metadata Development and Implementation

18 - Introduction to Metadata

19 - Managing the Content of Your Collection

Notes - Content Standing Committee

CSC Meeting Notes � Uncut Version
October 15, 2003

Interests of attendees:
Linking from discovery system into collections
Correlation to standards (esp. K-12 engineering, TeachEngineering already has 4 states with standards)
Evaluate quality of metadata records in NSDL Union Catalog

With technology committee, Content Standing Committee can add questions, review survey to see what�s related to collections. Including annotations, state/national content standards - Volunteers with special interest in this committee: Karon Kelly, John Saylor, Howard Burrows.
Will add all participants of CSC meeting to the Content Standing Committee mailing list. - Action Kim Lightle will add the email addresses.
Will send additional call for participation to the CSC meeting. Make sure that everyone knows that they can participate�especially following the email lists. Consider this an �special interest group� or �working group�. - Action Kim Lightle to send out this call.
K-12 content/state standards
Technical standards
Does the CSC:
Include metadata?
Know the profile of age-/grade-levels of content covered within collection (see p.13 of 2003 NSDL Annual Report for results of work by EIESC: currently looking at collections records (audience and discipline (80 terms), have 95% of 300-someodd collections in NSDL) and item level metadata to gain this kind of profile of the collections)

Overall, can the NSDL Community:
Identify the �key issues� and then relate them to individuals in the project
Tag the sessions that people attended to gain a notion of what issues they might be interested in
Have mentors for new projects (based on similarity of projects)
Document �contents� of posters that the projects created at the Annual Meeting: include the poster files themselves (could be stored in a DSPACE-like institutional repository) along with �context� form (see Cathy Manduca and her experiences with GSA conference), along with metadata
At a broader-level, develop an institutional repository for all kinds of content about the projects that projects might create (tools�ex. Cataloging tools, publications and presentations, etc.) - Susan Jesuroga and John Saylor will look into this issue.
�Sites of Interest� on NSDL main portal - John Saylor suggests a Task Force to work on the process: suggested members include Holly Devaul at DLESE Program Center, Faith Ann Myers at ENC, and Carol Terizzi at Cornell/CI; John Saylor will put out call to other collections and/or all projects as a whole.
Develop a process to select the Sites of Interest from the NSDL development community
Collect existing feeds of similar things from DLESE, ENC, etc.
Possibly special area with focus outside the circle of developers, �teachers� and �educators�
Document describing life-cycle of collection-building
Review existing draft Collection Development Policy - John Saylor asks for a Task Force to review the policy, hopes to be formed by the end of October 2003.
Develop outline for best practices document; will resurrects results of the best practices document from 2002-2003 CSC - Kim Lightle will send out to email list.


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