TNS Internal:Applications/ExpertVoices

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One confusing part of ExpertVoices is that there are in fact two "status" properties to each blog: Wordpress status and NSDL/EV status. It may be useful if the NSDL status were renamed in the UI to alleviate confusion (or maybe just certain parts). Namely, the concept of an "archived" blog exists in both status domains. Renaming one of these may clear up what it means to be "archived".

  • NSDL
    • Archived (1)
      • Shows up when you click the "Archived Blogs" image on the sidebar ( (nsdl/themes/nsdl-gateway)
      • Modifies which blogs are included in the WhoSays page via which status is set in $_GET['view']. (nsdl/plugins/nsdl-themes)
      • Shows up in the NSDL feed. (nsdl/plugins/nsdl-bloglist-feed)
    • Gateway (2)
      • Modifies which blogs are included in the WhoSays page via which status is set in $_GET['view']. (nsdl/plugins/nsdl-themes)
      • Shows up in the NSDL feed. (nsdl/plugins/nsdl-bloglist-feed)
      • Shows up in List-All-Posts plugin (wpmu/wpmu-fixes/wpmu-content/mu-plugins/list-all-posts.php).
    • Stealth (0)
      • Modifies which blogs are included in the WhoSays page via which status is set in $_GET['view']. (nsdl/plugins/nsdl-themes)
  • WordPress
    • Archived
      • Archived blogs are not included in the WPMU Site Feed plugin (/wpmu-feed/, doesn't appear to be enabled). This is accessible from the admin site, "Site Feed" page.
      • When a user logs in, if their "primary blog" is archived, it will be set to the gateway/main blog (id 1).
	Agent object.
	Metadata provider object.
	Aggregator object.
	"Referenced resource aggregator".

		Agent object.
		Aggregator object.
		Metadata provider object.

		Resource object associated with the EV aggregator, above.
		Aggregator object for posts.
		Metadata object (requires a resource object, above).

		Resource object (required by metadata object).
		Metadata object.
		Additional resource/metadata objects for parsed links in a post that are selected for inclusion.

Agent, MDP, Agg for EV as a whole (Wordpress)
Agent, Agg, MDP for each EV user
Res, Agg, MD for each blog
Res, MD for each post and post's links (optional)
Uses search to find resources for inserting slug links

Local SQL DB for app info.
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