Community:Collections and Metadata/AnnotationTypes

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Tentative listing of annotation types

This list is a collection of categorizations already used by annotation services, and will provide the basis for a controlled vocabulary to be used for annotation records within the NSDL. Please contact Diane Hillmann or the workspace mailing list to add additional possible types to this list.

Type terms: definition, if available (Source of term)

  • Advice: A sublcass of Annotation representing advice to the reader (Annotea)
  • Annotation: A super class describing the common features of annotations (Annotea)
  • Average scores of aggregated indices (DLESE)
  • Change: Annotations that document or propose a change to the source document (Annotea)
  • Comment: A subclass of Annotation describing annotations that are comments (Annotea)
  • Editor's summary (DLESE)
  • Example: A subclass of Annotation representing examples (Annotea)
  • Explanation: A subclass of Annotation representing explanations of content (Annotea)
  • Information on challenging teaching and learning situations (DLESE)
  • Question: A subclass of Annotation representing questions about the content (Annotea)
  • Review: A formal or informal evaluation (NSDL)
  • SeeAlso: A subclass of Annotation representing a reference to another resource (Annotea)
  • Teaching tips (DLESE)

Rev. 9/10/02

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