Reflections on the NSDL by David Yaron

January 12, 2009 at 3:04 pm Leave a comment


Our hope is that the Internet will provide a means to help build a community of educators that can, collectively, evolve current chemistry courses to a structure that better engages students and improves their ability to reason about chemistry in their lives. I believe my involvement in the NSDL has helped me better craft goals that are ambitious but compatible with life at the interface of the disjoint worlds of education and technology, and improved my ability to work towards and monitor progress towards those goals. I am hoping that my hopes for this effort are not symptoms of a manic phase. But, in any case, the friends I have made through the NSDL make it rewarding to join in and continue pushing against the wall. As one of my favorite colleagues in the NSDL said to me, while I was in a somewhat depressive phase, “You have to keep fighting the good fight”.

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An NSDL Retrospective: The Case of the Instructional Architect by Mimi Recker NSDL Rethinks It’s Digital Library

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We are collecting the "reflections" on the collaborative development of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL). This site is a place for NSDL participants to “tell the story” of how they think NSDL was formed, grew and is continuing to grow. And for the community to discuss and learn from these reflections.

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