Chemical Education Digital Library (ChemEd DL)

The Chemical Education Digital Library (ChemEd DL,, a Pathways project of National Science Distributed Learning (NSDL, aims to provide an online library environment devoted to the teaching and learning of chemistry. In addition to providing information about chemistry education resources and tools to discover those resources, ChemEd DL provides social networking tools to foster community development, content management tools to organize the content of the library, and course management tools to deliver the content and assess learning in a educational setting. ChemEd DL intends to communicate chemistry in an engaging manner that provokes curiosity and excitement while at the same time providing accurate and current chemical information. ChemEd DL Textbook Tables of Contents links library content with publishers textbooks in a manner accessible to even novice learners of chemistry. Connecting the world's largest scientific professional organization, the American Chemical Society (ACS,, the world's premiere peer-reviewed Journal of Chemical Education (JCE,, and the innovative tools of The ChemCollective (, with NSDL and its multidisciplinary Pathways, ChemEd DL provides its patrons a world-class digital library intent on teaching chemistry to the world.

Poster Authors: 
Jon L. Holmes, John W. Moore, Mary Kirchhoff, David Yaron
Project Track: 