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Human sexuality

Resouce: Suggested Web Sites

Title: SEX, ETC.

Information: SEX, ETC. is "a Web site by teens for teens." It provides information on a wide range of topics, including: girls'/guys' health, sex, love & relationships, birth control and condoms, gender identity issues, sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) pregnancy, teen parenting, abortion, adoption, etc. The site also considers the following topics: emotional health, abuse & violence, body image and alcohol and drugs. "SEX, ETC. is the major component of the National Teen-to-Teen Sexuality Education Project developed by the Network for Family Life Education a nonprofit organization that provides resources, advocacy, training, and technical assistant in support of balanced, comprehensive sexuality education in the United States. The Network is based at the Center for Applied Psychology at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey." (from "Who We Are: About SEX, ETC. @

Category: Human sexuality

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