Ask NSDL Archive

Ask NSDL Archive |



About AskNSDL

Questions to AskNSDL were posed by users (children, parents, teachers, learners), library builders and others with a need for information about the evolving National Science Digital Library. The answers were produced by volunteers with a wide range of expertise. We expect the answers are correct to the best of each author's knowledge, however:

  1. We cannot attest to the accuracy of answers
  2. Answers provided do not necessarily represent the views of the NSDL management
  3. The responses provided to questions are not routinely updated once added to the AskNSDL site, so you can expect some URLs not to work, some referenced books to be out of print, etc.
  4. Experts will not be expected to provide answers to questions requiring an opinion on any moral, ethical, legal, medical or otherwise controversial topics
The answers and other resources are presented to assist users in participating and using the NSDL and its rich library of resources. We encourage you to keep seeking answers from the world around you by looking in your local school and public library, talking to your teachers, and using resources linked to from this website.

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