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Title: CETERMS (Great Ideas in Science)

Information: CETERMS is a professional development center for teachers, Kindergarten through College. CETERMS staff are committed to enhancing the teaching of science and mathematics process and content through the Great Ideas in Science systemic change project and other projects that are founded on the facilitation of summer institutes, "alumni" institutes, classroom outreach, in service programs, ecological and geological field experiences, principals' institutes, The Rainforest Connection, The Children's Quail Ecology project, and The Living Laboratory. CETERMS works closely in collaboration with several school districts, the New Jersey School of Conservation, Sterling Hill Mining Museum, and the Marine Sciences Consortium. CETERMS projects are funded by the National Science Foundation, the New Jersey Statewide Systemic Initiative, the Turrell Fund, the Edison Fund, the EXXON Corporation, the Terhune Foundation, and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.

Category: Science

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