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What are cereal boxes made of? What kind of box/paper are cereal boxes? I want to research on recycling paper so I can help recycle in my home and recycle in my neighborhood. Please help! Kelly


Hi Kelly, Did you know that the average US citizen produces about 5 lbs of trash a day? Recycling is such an important factor in keeping our communities and earth clean -- good for you for being so interested in this important topic. Cereal boxes are made of a very lightweight cardboard called "chipboard", which is a paper product. If you look on the side of your cereal box, chances are that you'll see a note stating that the box is made from some recycled paper. To find information on recycling cereal boxes, I went to Google at and typed in these words: "cereal box" recyle I put the words "cereal box" in quotation marks so that they would be searched as a phrase. Here are some resources that should help you: A Cereal Recycler This resource gives a brief overview of what happens to your cereal box once it's picked up with your other recyclable items. Recycle, Reduce, Reuse Cereal Boxes This resource provides suggestions on how people can recycle cereal boxes for everyday use and projects. Paper Manufacturing This resource describes how paper is made, what kind of paper cereal boxes are made from, how paper products are recycled, the state of US forests, and paper industry statistics. Starting a Recycling Program This document briefly describes how you can start a recycling program in your community. I hope these resources help you, Kelly. If you need more information on recycling, you can also ask a librarian at your school or at your local public library to help you. Good luck, and thanks for asking your question. Joann recycle, recycling, paper products, cereal boxes, chipboard

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