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Resouce:NSDL Collections

Title: Geotechnical, Rock & Water Digital Library (GROW)

Information: The Geotechnical, Rock & Water (GROW) Digital Library was created by the University of Arizona's Department of Civil Engineering, Center for Campus Computing, University Library, and a host of other contributors across campus in the Fall of 2001. GROW is the first development project towards the creation of a National Civil Engineering Resource Library (NCERL). The collections in GROW are focused on interactive, multimedia, educational resources that are "story-booked" to emphasize active learning and provide a learning experience rather than providing snippets of information. It consists of a hierarchy of learning objects to meet the needs of users from K-12 to continuing education for professionals. GROW-NCERL collections consist of four groups of learning objects consisting of elements, learning units, modules and themes.

Category: Geology

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