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Earth science

Resouce:NSDL Collections

Title: Volcano World -- The Premier Source of Volcano Info on the Web

Information: A starting point for aspiring volcanologists, Volcano World purports to be the "premiere source of volcano information on the Web," and in fact has extensive information on volcanoes, including a listing of all volcanoes, current eruptions, the Volcano of the Week, volcano expeditions, email eruption alerts, a Kids' Door, teacher area, and more. It contains plenty of images and data on recent and past earthquakes and volcanic activity. Click on the marked locations of a map to find recent volcanic activity information, including background on the volcano, explosivity rating, and details of the most recent explosion. If you have questions, you can ask a volcanologist via e-mail. Check out the previously asked questions for answers that have already been posted. The answers are detailed and clear, providing a solid foundation you can use while exploring the rest of the site. Use the site to find information about current and past volcano eruptions, discover the rating system of volcanoes and learn volcano terminology, tour the volcanoes of the world without leaving your desk.

Category: Earth science

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