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Body systems & senses

Resouce: FAQs

Title: How many bones are in the human skeleton? Where can I find more information about them?

Information: The number of bones in a human body changes from infancy to adulthood. At birth, a baby has 300 bones. These "soft bones" fuse together as the child grows. By age 25, the human body has 206 bones. You can learn more information about composition and functions of the human skeleton by checking out the following resources. –"The Big Story on Bones" A comprehensive article for kids describing the composition of bones, what they do and different features of the human skeleton. Body The eSkeletons Project This website provides interactive environment in which to learn about the human skeleton and compare the anatomies of humans, baboons, chimpanzees, gorillas, marmosets and ruffled lemurs. The Virtual Body Take a narrated tour of the human body, build a skeleton, and zoom in on bones. This is a really cool site! Atlas of the Body Illustrations from the American Medical Association, depicting different skeletal views, as well as other body systems. National Bone Health Overview The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides many useful links to resources on bone health and care. Thank you for submitting your question to AskNSDL. Be sure to check with your school or public library for more resources in print on the human skeleton. The AskNSDL staff

Category: Body systems & senses

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