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What does a brown recluse look like and where does it live? My name is Nathan. Thankyou for answering my queston.


This information comes from the following web site where you will also find a picture of a brown recluse spider: "The brown recluse is about 1/4 to 1/2 inches in body length (most adults are about the size of a United States dime to a US quarter with legs extended). Coloration ranges from tan to dark brown, with the abdomen often darker than the rest of the body." "The brown recluse may be found living indoors or outdoors. Thorough inspection of cracks, corners, and other dark, undisturbed areas with a bright flashlight will help determine the location and extent of infestation. Indoors, pay particular attention to basements, attics, crawl spaces, closets, under/behind beds and furniture, inside shoes, boxes of stored items, and between hanging clothing. Brown recluse spiders also may be found living above suspended ceilings, behind baseboards, and inside ductwork or registers. Another way to detect infestations in these areas is to install glueboards or sticky traps. These devices, designed to capture mice and cockroaches, can be purchased at grocery or farm supply stores. Placed flush along walls and in corners, glueboards and sticky traps are useful monitoring tools and will also capture large numbers of spiders. Brown recluse spiders also live outdoors in barns, utility sheds, woodpiles, and underneath lumber, rocks, and accumulated debris. To avoid being bitten, wear work gloves when inspecting inside boxes or when moving stored items. Removal of unnecessary clutter is especially helpful in making areas unattractive to these pests." Other helpful web sites are:

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