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Where does Atta laevigata live and where can they be found? Thank you for taking time to answer my question.


<DIV>Dear Alice:<BR><BR>Leaf-cutter ants of the species <EM>Atta laevigata</EM> can be found in many tropical habitats&nbsp;of South America, including portions of Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, and Paraguay.&nbsp; This species is sometimes called the Venezuelan Leaf-Cutting Ant due to the fact that it is fairly common in many forested and agricultural areas of that country, and is often treated as a crop pest by fruit growers there.&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR><BR>If you were looking for these ants in Venezuela,&nbsp;all you would usually see on the surface is a line of ants&nbsp;walking across the ground, usually traveling in two directions.&nbsp; Ants traveling in one direction would be using their jaws to carry a piece of leaf over their heads.&nbsp; These are ants going toward the nest.&nbsp; Often a smaller ant can be seen riding on top of the leaf, guarding it from attack by parasites.&nbsp; If you follow these leaf-carrying ants, you would eventually see the whole line of them disappear into the ground.&nbsp; If you dug down usually several feet under ground, you would find an amazing kind of farm.&nbsp; They don't eat the leaves.&nbsp; Instead, they crush them up and use them as

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