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What is the Golden Gate Brige made of and what is it's efficiency?


Dear Greg,<BR><BR>Thank you for submitting your question to AskNSDL. The Golden Gate Bridge has an&nbsp;interesting history, and there is quite a bit of material about it on the Internet. I&nbsp;performed a Google search, <A href="></A>, on the phrase: "golden gate bridge".<BR><BR>I've listed below a few resources that provide the information you&nbsp;requested.&nbsp;&nbsp;You can link to each of the sites by clicking on the URL beneath its description.<BR><BR>*&nbsp; Construction Data:&nbsp;This information comes from the GoldenGateBridge.&nbsp;org website, <A href="></A>.&nbsp; I clicked on the&nbsp;"Research Library" link&nbsp;from the left navigation panel. The top heading for "Design and Construction Statistics" will&nbsp;be&nbsp;helpful.<BR><A href="></A><BR><BR>*&nbsp;PBS American Experience: Golden Gate Bridge: This website provides&nbsp;facts on the&nbsp;construction of the bridge. <BR><A href="></A><BR><BR>For&nbsp;information about efficiency, you can search the website on the keyword, "efficiency," and scan through the results to see if any of them will help.&nbsp; I did this and retrieved 48 documents.&nbsp; Unfortunately, the Annual Reports did not give any&nbsp;precise data, but I didn't review the other 46 results. You may find something valuable here.<BR><BR>I did perform another Google search on "Golden Gate Bridge" design efficiency.&nbsp; I found a&nbsp;weblisting of articles on SurfWax: Architectural News: News and Articles on Golden Gate Bridge (last update Feb. 21, 2005).<BR><A href="></A><BR><BR>Using the "Find" Function from your browser's "Edit" menu (or press Control&nbsp;+ F on your keyboard) search for&nbsp;"efficiency." There are two articles regarding a new bridge in France that "rivals the Golden Gate Bridge in efficiency". You&nbsp;may have to&nbsp;do some deductive reasoning, but perhaps the information on the French bridge will&nbsp;provide keys to&nbsp;efficiency data for the Golden Gate Bridge.<BR><BR>I hope this information helps.&nbsp; Be sure to check your library for more materials on this topic.<BR><BR>Best,<BR>Joyce W.<BR>Librarian/AskNSDL staff<BR><BR><BR><A href=">"></A><BR><BR>&nbsp;<BR><BR> <P>Golden Gate Bridge, bridge, bridge construction, efficiency</P>

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