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Title: Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources

Information: What are some alternative and renewable energy sources? Where can I find information on this topic? Alternative and renewable energy sources are varied - crops, the wind, the sun, geothermal reservoirs, etc. I've listed below some websites and web pages that are indexed in the National Science Digital Library (NSDL), The NSDL provides a central access point for quality science, math, education and technology materials. I searched on the phrase, "alternative energy." There were over 200 results from this search. This is just a sample from the first 20. Renewable Energy Policy Project (REPP) Website - Click on the tabs to find information by type of energy - hydro, bioenergy, geothermal, wind, solar, and hydrogen. There are sections on policy and efficiency. The REPP Library lets you browse for current and archived papers. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Website - The U.S. Department of Energy's "gateway to online documents on energy efficiency and renewable energy." Find information on renewable energy sources - biomass, geothermal, hydrogen, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind. There is a special section for kids. Dr. E's Energy Lab - As mentioned above, this is the website created for kids from the U.S. Dept of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Alternative Fuels Data Center - The U.S. Dept. of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy provides this resource. Alternative fuels considered are: biodiesel, electricity, ethanol, hydrogen, natural gas, and propane. You can find information on alternative fuel vehicles. Explore more: The Future of Energy Website - Iowa Public Television sponsors this website that examines the latest issues on energy. Teacher resources are available. Energy Quest - California's website for kids to learn about energy. California Energy Commission - This is California's main website for energy information. I searched the NSDL a second time for "renewable energy," and retrieved over 1,000 results! Here is a sample from the first 20 hits. World Council for Renewable Energy Website - Formed in 2001, this independent organization aims to be "a global voice for Renewable Energy" (See Foundation document at The main web site address is: Renewable Resource Data Center (RRDC) - This is another website managed by the U.S. Dept. of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and supported by the National Center for Photovoltaics. Click on the links to resource information for biomass, geothermal, wind and solar energy. Check out the GIS Data and Dynamic Maps. Future Energies Website - This resource from UK has "Topics" and "FAQ" sections. It's very easy to navigate. Renewable Energy Website - Here you can read a concise definition of renewable energy and consult an index of resources, organized by country. Research comes out of the University of Hong Kong, Architecture Department, Click on Building Energy Efficiency Research (BEER), or follow the link given below: "Bioenergy Information Network - a gateway to biomass information at Oak Ridge National Laboratory." Links to U.S. Department of Agriculture's programs, products and biofuels information sources, plus more. When evaluating the information you find on these websites, it's a good idea to keep in mind the interests of the organizations or agencies that produce them. If you're aware of possible and potential biases, it will help you evaluate the information Check with your local public or school library for more materials on this topic. Best wishes, Joyce W. Virtual Reference Librarian Pathfinder created 12/31/04

Category: Agriculture

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