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Careers in Technology


Hi. How does one get a job as a Scientist or Engineer without previous experience. I graduated over 15 months ago with a degree in engineering and have not been able to find a job. I have sent out hundreds of resumes and cover letters and once in a while get an interview, but no job offer. At career fairs, I am shunned because of lack of experience. How does one get this experience? I would gladly work for free just to get it. any recommendations?


It is essential to have a well prepared, professional-looking resume. It should use a simple, conventional format and be printed on high-quality white or ivory paper. Make sure everything is spelled correctly, the text is grammatical, and the punctuation is correct. The same is true for the cover letter. Since you don't have any work experience you must stress any academic qualifications you have. Do you have any hobbies that are related to your field of study? Were you a member of any club or student organization that gave you an opportunity to develop individual or team-working skills? Generally, I have not had much success with job fairs. Responding to newspaper advertisements is also of only modest value. But don't give up using either. Of course the job search websites are good. You could look for some associated technical work and then move up to an engineering position. My recommendation is to join the professional society that represents your interests such as the IEEE or ASME and then attend some of the local technical events. Dress neatly and look professional. Talk to the people that come to the events. You could even take along some resumes but don't give them out unless the person asks for them. Good luck with your search.

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