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Hello, i am building a model of the first phone, i was wondering how can i build the mouthpiece for the model. What materials ? Thank-you very much -alex-


<P>Dear Alex,<BR><BR>Thanks for sending your question to AskNSDL.&nbsp; I'm sorry it has taken so long to answer, but it looks like there was an response and a request for clarification that might not have reached you.&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR><BR>Here is what Mr. Bess, AskNSDL expert&nbsp;had written:<BR><BR>Do you want to phone to actually work? That would be a little tougher.</P> <P>I've attached some information that you may already come across about Alexander Graham Bell's early work on the phone.</P> <P>You can see from the model of the phone illustration on the first site<BR>that the phone does not look anything like the phones of today.</P> <P>The mouthpiece for the first phone was a cone shape (large opening on<BR>one end and a smaller one on the other). You could make that out of stiff paper.<BR><BR>Are you talking about the first phone created by Alexander Graham Bell?<BR><BR>If you need further help with this question, pleae feel free to resubmit it.&nbsp; Thanks again.<BR><BR>Best Wishes,<BR>AskNSDL staff</P> <P><BR><BR><BR>&nbsp;</P> first phone

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