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NSDL Expert Training

Resouce: FAQs

Title: When completing my expert profile, what kind of information should I enter in the Credentials/Bio field?

Information: Your expert profile provides detailed information in the credentials/bio field that you might not want publicly viewable. The "Credentials/Bio" field allows you to create the information that will appear after your name. This will be your "signature" when your responses are emailed to questioners and will be posted online at You probably want to include your job title and where you work, but probably NOT your own email address or phone number. You might also want to indicate the organization where you heard about this volunteer effort, such as: Member AAAS, or Member NSTA. You can delete or modify this and any other field by logging in to AskNSDL at and clicking on the tab, "Update Profile." If you need a reminder of your login information, please let me know and I'll send it to you. Below are three examples of experts'credentials/bio information: 1. Electronics Designer, IEEE Member, MSEE Washington University 2000, BSEE Washington University 1998 2. B.S. in Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Currently working as a researcher (mostly programming work) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory 3. PhD Computer Science 92. Other emphases: music, psychology, sociology, cosmology. Research Scientist 12 years

Category: NSDL Expert Training

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