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I am enquiring about stem cell research in regards to old Polio. When it all becomes possible, I am not going to be overlooked; until that time I want to be aware of the progress. How can I do this? G. O. McQueen.


<P>Greetings!</P> <P>Thank you for submitting your question about stem cell research to AskNSDL. We have just created a resource that provides links to&nbsp;quality&nbsp;websites&nbsp;that deal with this&nbsp;topic.</P> <P>"Stem cell research" - AskNSDL FAQ. May 25, 2005.<BR><A href=;cat=1160">;cat=1160</A> <BR><BR>For specific information "about stem cell research in regards to old Polio," I used Google to search the Internet for: polio "stem cell research".&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR><BR>Bollenbach, Edward P. "Stem Cell Therapy for Post-Polio Syndrome." Post-Polio Health, Fall 2003, vol. 19, No. 4. This article was published nearly 1 1/2 years ago. It noted the media attention given to stem cell therapy. Bollenbach discusses "Challenges for Use in Old Polio" and looks ahead to the future.<BR><A href="></A></P> <P>Post-Polio Health International - "Information for polio survivors, their friends and families, and health professionals." Organization provides links to resources in Education, Advocacy, Research and Networking.<BR><A href="></A></P> <P>I hope these resources help. &nbsp;The library is also a good place for health resources and current research. Please let us know if you if you need any more information.</P> <P>Sincerely,<BR>Joyce W.<BR>Virtual Reference Librarain<BR>Ask NSDL staff</P> Old polio<BR>Polio<BR>stem cell<BR>stem cell research<BR>stem cell therapy

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