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What is the percentage of people who survive a brain aneurysm? joan


Dear Joan,<BR><BR>Thank you for sending your question to AskNSDL. We apologize for the delay. It appears that a specialist wasn't able to find time to respond to your question.<BR><BR>I'm a librarian and have located some material that provides&nbsp;an answer to&nbsp;your question. I&nbsp;first went to MedlinePlus, <A href="></A>, the U.S. National Library of Medicine's consumer health&nbsp;information resource. I searched for the topic, aneurysms.&nbsp;Then, I followed the links to these articles from the National Institutes of Health.&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR><BR>*&nbsp; <EM>NINDS Cerebral Aneurysm Information Page</EM> (National Institute of&nbsp; Neurological Disorders and Stroke) states: "The prognosis for a patient with a ruptured cerebral aneurysm depends on the extent and location of the aneurysm, the person's age, general health, and neurological condition.&nbsp; Early diagnosis and treatment are important.&nbsp;"<BR><A href="></A><BR><BR>* <EM>The Cerebral Aneurysm Fact Sheet: What is the Prognosis?</EM>&nbsp;(NINDS)&nbsp;(April 2005) provides statistics on survival:&nbsp;<BR><BR>"<SPAN lang=EN>The prognosis for persons whose aneurysm has burst is largely dependent on the age and general health of the individual, other preexisting neurological conditions, location of the aneurysm, extent of bleeding (and rebleeding), and time between rupture and medical attention.&nbsp;</SPAN> It is estimated that about 40 percent of patients whose aneurysm has ruptured <SPAN lang=EN>do not survive the first 24 hours; up to another 25 percent die from complications within 6 months.&nbsp; Patients who experience subarachnoid hemorrhage may have permanent neurological damage.&nbsp; Other individuals may recover with little or no neurological deficit.&nbsp; Delayed complications from a burst aneurysm may include hydrocephalus and vapospasm.&nbsp; Early diagnosis and treatment are important.</SPAN><BR><A href="></A><BR><BR><BR>* Aneurysms - MedlinePlus lists many more articles on aneurysms, including news, research, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery, clinical trials, organizations, etc.<BR><A href="></A><BR><BR>We are sorry for not responding sooner. If you would still like a response from one of our experts, please resubmit your question,&nbsp;and we will do what we can to help you out. For personal health care concerns, your health care provider is the best&nbsp;person&nbsp;to consult. Your local library will also have more materials on this subject.&nbsp;<BR><BR>Best wishes,<BR>Joyce W.<BR>AskNSDL staff Aneurysm

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