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Resouce: FAQs

Title: Hurricane Katrina

Information: Where can I learn about Hurricane Katrina? 1. A good place to start learning about Hurricane Katrina is the VRD FAQ on Hurricanes: 2. Louisiana State University's Center for the Study of Public Health Impacts of Hurricanes is a good general site with information directed to young children as well as older students and adults: 3. The Futures Channel has a short video, "Understanding Hurricanes," showing how two scientists collect and analyze data to help make predictions about hurricanes. 4. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has two pages on health and safety during hurricanes and floods: Hurricane Katrina 5. The U. S. Governments Web Portal is a good place to start looking for Hurricane Katrina recovery information: 2. Reporting specifically about Katrina and New Orleans by the Times-Picayune can be found at 6. Don't overlook NOLA's Hurricane Center: 7. Yahoo's Katrina site has category headings for blogs, missing person and survivor lists, photographs and videos, and relief efforts. 8. The Middletown Thrall Library Special Coverage: Hurricane Katrina Information Guide This site provides links to information concerning Hurricane Katrina, including news, emergency agencies, blogs, and general information on hurricanes. The guide is updated as new or improved information becomes available. 9. Another site with links to collected information related to hurricanes and to Katrina in particular is the Librarian's Index to the Internet: 10. National Geographic's News has a series of photographs and links to related stories about the New Orleans flooding at 11. CNN's hurricane report has general reporting about the season, the science of hurricanes, assessments of the ten worst hurricanes, a glossary and related material, as well as reporting specifically about Katrina. 12. NOAA Storm Tracker has satellite imagery, radar images, tracking maps, and wind speed information at: 13. NASA's Hurricane Resource page provides Katrina-related satellite photos, including one of the New Orleans Area before and after the levee failure at View the current image and don't forget to click All Katrina Images: 14. The Weather Channel provides updates on the areas hard hit by Hurricane Katrina at 15. Katrina Information Map This map is intended for those who have or are trying to find information about specific locations affected by Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. If you have information about the status of an area that is not yet on the map, you can contribute by following the site instructions. This annotated map of New Orleans has experienced some information overload problems but could provide some very specific neighborhood information. Let us know if you have specific questions, AskNSDL

Category: Meteorology

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