MiddleSchoolPortal/Cool Tools
From NSDLWiki
Please add to the list with additional resources but also comments and explanations on how you used these tools. Click on the link in the upper right hand corner that says NSDL SignIn. You'll need to register with the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) but they don't ask much!
Cool Tools
For each tool that is added, please include the following:
-- Name of tool and link/citation
-- Application for education - how you use the tool in your classroom, why you like it, or how it is being used in other classrooms
Students can make interactive posters over material covered in learning goals and key vocabulary.
If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with editing this wiki, you can complete the form to submit information about your technology tool. Please contact me (Davilla Riddle) via MSP2 website if you have comments or questions.
JamStudio Create music online.
Make Beliefs Comix Online creator to for making comic strips.
ToonDoo Online creator for cartoons.
Kerpoof Online comic generator operated by Disney Company.
Xtranormal Students can write scripts and a variety of characters act them out.
Aviary Use this tool to edit images (similar to Photoshop).
Edmodo Secure, real-time collaborative writing, similar to Twitter.
Etherpad Real-time, collaborative, web-based word processor.
Primary Pad Real-time, collaborative, web-based word processor.
Crocdoc Share and mark up documents (Word, pdf, etc.) online.
Wikispaces Free wiki creator and storage space for educators
Edmodo Used in collaboration project with another classroom. Similar to Twitter, but private.
Wallwisher Create online message boards for students. Use for polling, pre-assessment, feedback.
Edublogs A safe and secure place for teacher and student blogging.
Wordle Create a word cloud from text and RSS sources.
Tagul Another word cloud creator, add links to individual words in cloud.
Word it Out Word Cloud generator, less features than Wordle or Tagul.
Weebly Drag and drop website creator.
Wix Create flash websites easily.
Edmodo Secure, real-time collaborative writing, similar to Twitter.
Etherpad Real-time, collaborative, web-based word processor.
Primary Pad Real-time, collaborative, web-based word processor.
Delicious Social bookmarking tool.
Diigo Social bookmarking tool and web highlighter.
Crocdoc Share and mark up documents (Word, pdf, etc.) online.
Voice Thread Add audio and text comments to images.
Booklet Creator Create a booklet from any PDF document.
Content Management
Weebly Drag and drop website creator.
Wix Create flash websites easily.
Class.io Course management tool for Google Apps.
Converting Files
Tube Chop Chop YouTube students and share with students.
Wordle Create a word cloud from text and RSS sources.
Blabberize Add voice to any image.
Prezi Create eye-catching, zooming presentations live and on the web.
Weebly Drag and drop website creator.
Wix Create flash websites easily.
JamStudio Create music online.
Fodey Newspaper clipping image generator.
Big Huge Labs Magazine Creator Create a cover for a magazine.
Voice Thread Add audio and text comments to images.
Geometry Explorer Similar to Geometr's Sketchpad.
Simple Booklet Simplest flipbook maker.
File Storage
Glogster Edu Students can make interactive posters over material covered in learning goals and key vocabulary.
Splashup Use this powerful tool to edit multiple images.
Animoto Create a video from a set of images/photos and set it to music.
Fotobabble Upload photos, add voice and share.
Blabberize Add voice to any image.
Big Huge Labs Magazine Creator Create a cover for a magazine.
Voice Thread Add audio and text comments to images.
Simple Booklet Simplest flipbook maker.
Prezi Create eye-catching, zooming presentations live and on the web.
Lovely Charts Free online diagramming tool.
JamStudio Create music online.
Smartmoves SmartMoves includes over 40 body puzzles set to music.
Lovely Charts Free online diagramming tool.
Delicious Social bookmarking tool.
Diigo Social bookmarking tool and web highlighter.
Crocdoc Share and mark up documents (Word, pdf, etc.) online.
Voice Thread Add audio and text comments to images.
Glogster Edu Students can make interactive posters over material covered in learning goals and key vocabulary.
Screentoaster Capture onscreen images and share immediately. Good for how-to or tutorial videos.
Animoto Create a video from a set of images/photos and set it to music.
Fotobabble Upload photos, add voice and share.
Prezi Create eye-catching, zooming presentations live and on the web.
Fodey Newspaper clipping image generator.
Simple Booklet Simplest flipbook maker.
Booklet Creator Create a booklet from any PDF document.
Tube Chop Chop YouTube students and share with students.
Lovely Charts Free online diagramming tool.
Etherpad Real-time, collaborative, web-based word processor.
Primary Pad Real-time, collaborative, web-based word processor.
Delicious Social bookmarking tool.
Diigo Social bookmarking tool and web highlighter.
Crocdoc Share and mark up documents (Word, pdf, etc.) online.
Lovely Charts Free online diagramming tool.
Etherpad Real-time, collaborative, web-based word processor.
Primary Pad Real-time, collaborative, web-based word processor.
Delicious Social bookmarking tool.
Diigo Social bookmarking tool and web highlighter.
Crocdoc Share and mark up documents (Word, pdf, etc.) online.
Booklet Creator Create a booklet from any PDF document.
Screentoaster Capture onscreen images and share immediately. Good for how-to or tutorial videos.
Voice Thread Add audio and text comments to images.
Tube Chop Chop YouTube students and share with students.
Wordle Create a word cloud from text and RSS sources.
Tagul Another word cloud creator, add links to individual words in cloud.
Fodey Newspaper clipping image generator.
Big Huge Labs Magazine Creator Create a cover for a magazine.
Edmodo Secure, real-time collaborative writing, similar to Twitter.
Etherpad Real-time, collaborative, web-based word processor.
Primary Pad Real-time, collaborative, web-based word processor.
Crocdoc Share and mark up documents (Word, pdf, etc.) online.
Simple Booklet Simplest flipbook maker.
Booklet Creator Create a booklet from any PDF document.
Related Resources and Software Resource Guides
21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning - Michael J. Gorman
Author and Copyright
This page is brought to you by the staff of the Middle School Portal 2: Mathematics and Science Pathways (MSP2) project. Connect with colleagues and find exemplary resources at http://msteacher2.org. Email any comments to msp@msteacher.org.
Copyright 2009-2011 - The Ohio State University. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. 0840824. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.