Reports en CCLI/TUES publication and searchable abstracts... <p>Check out the <a title="TUES" href="" target="_self">What We're Reading entry</a> on the new publication from AAAS about CCLI/TUES projects: &nbsp;<a title="New Challenges, New Strategies" href="" target="_blank">New Challenges, New Strategies: Building Excellence in Undergraduate STEM Education</a></p> Reports Tue, 28 Sep 2010 20:26:48 +0000 eileen 1132 at Computing Research Association report cites NSDL Science Literacy Maps as model... <p>The Computing Research Association (CRA) recently published a CRA-E White Paper: <a title="Creating Environments for Computational Researcher Education" href=" " target="_blank">Creating Environments for Computational Researcher Education</a>, addressing a concern for higher educators, employers, funding agencies, and policy makers: " best to educate students for a future as computationally-oriented researchers in all fields." &nbsp;</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> Reports Wed, 18 Aug 2010 20:21:02 +0000 eileen 1105 at Best Practices for Metrics Collection and Analysis <p><em><a title="Best Practices for Metrics Collection and Analysis" href="" target="_blank">Best Practices for Metrics Collection and Analysis: Report of the NSDL Metrics Working Group</a> </em>is now available.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> evaluation metrics project management Reports Tue, 03 Aug 2010 19:07:21 +0000 eileen 1087 at Draft Report - Metrics Recommendations and Resources for NSDL Projects <p><span>The draft report of Metrics Recommendations and Resources for NSDL Projects is now available.&nbsp;The document contains an overview of which metrics are userful for assessing digital library activities, make recommendations on how to collect those metrics, and provide vignettes&nbsp;from projects&nbsp;on how they are connecting activities, data, and impacts.&nbsp;We are requesting input from the NSDL community&nbsp;and beyond through&nbsp;the Metrics Interest Group on the NSDL Community site - </span><a href="" target="_blank"><span s><p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> digital libraries evaluation project impacts web metrics Reports Mon, 16 Nov 2009 14:05:36 +0000 lightle.16 825 at