Overview http://ia.usu.edu/viewproject.php?project=ia:4789 student log-in: mimi [R:] Title: NSDL Annual Meeting 2007 - Webmetrics Overview:

Webmetrics and the Instructional Architect

Mimi Recker & Bart Palmer
Utah State University


In the approach taken by Instructional Architect project, teachers are viewed as designers of learning activities, making use of the recent abundant availability of high-quality, free online resources for learning, such as those provided by the NSDL. Our analytical approach then uses the online artifacts created by teachers as a data source to characterize how they design with, use, and share online resources in educational contexts.

About the IA

The Instructional Architect (IA) is a tool that enables educators to easily access and acquire online resources, organize and adapt those resources into activities for their students, and make those new activities available to a variety of audiences.

Objectives of our Webmetrics

  1. A sense of site activity.
  2. What are teachers doing?
  3. What are students doing?
The IA was developed with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF)
and is maintained by the "Digital Libraries Connect" and "Digital Libraries go to School" grants.
The IA is a service of the NSDL logo

Google Analytics


Outcomes / Demo

Google Analytics



Database Analysis



Example Workshop Data (live)
(Canned: main, group stats, user details, this project, IA howTo project)



Artifact Analysis



Design strategy
Resource granularity Offload Adapt Improvise Total%
Small 8 6 7 30
Medium 13 7 16 51
Large 7 6 0 19
Total% 40 27 33



Lessons Learned: the three towers

Approaches vary in terms of ease of implementation and analysis, and quality and precision of answers. Challenges of triangulating masses of data, finding complementarity, and informing development (especially when such data contradicts findings from other methods).

Three Objectives

  1. A sense of site activity
    • Access ebbs in summer and weekends
    • Site is doing what intended
      • bounce rates of projects: ~85%, other pages: ~20%
      • exit rates of projects: ~70%, other pages: ~7% - [GA]
  2. What are teachers doing?
    • Using the site
      • top user time-on-pages "add content" and "my resources" - [GA]
      • project edits are made in seconds - [GA]
    • Lab use
      • sequence/volume of hits - [DB & GA]
      • IP address groups - [DB]
    • In-class use?
      • single hits with run through links - [DB]
      • many times from same IP as most edits - [DB]
    • resource use?
      • using "medium" sized resources - [AA]
      • mainly "offload" or "improvise" on activity design - [AA]
  3. What are students doing?
    • They are using the site
      • top content "iamstudent" - [GA]
      • diverse IPs - [DB]
      • short to long time-on-page [DB & GA]