Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Conference
NSDL Resource Center staff will represent NSDL at the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Conference in Washington DC from July 7-9, 2010. Outreach and Professional Development Manager Laura Moin, and NSDL Pathways Liaison and Communications Manager Eileen McIlvain will provide an overview of NSDL resources and services to Noyce conference attendees on Thursday, July 8, and featuring NSDL Pathways:
- Kim Lightle, Middle School Portal Math & Science Pathways (MSP2)
- Patricia Jacobs, Computational Science Education Reference Desk (CSERD) & Shodor resources
- Lynn Diener, ChemEd DL, featuring the Periodic Table Live!
The NSDL will also host a resource table at the conference - projects that would like the RC to distribute their materials to these new and aspiring K12 teachers may send materials to: Donna Cummings, NSDL Resource Center, UCAR, PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000.