CFP: Special Issue on Open Educational Resources - JALN
CFP: Open Educational Resources - Special Issue of JALN
The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks invites submission of papers for a special issue focusing on Open Educational Resources (OERs). OERs are learning materials that are made publically available for free to be used, modified, and redistributed in original or modified form.
This special issue will explore the phenomenon of Open Educational Resources. Papers should present a research study, an analysis, or detailed case study of OERs, including data where possible. Papers might focus on the evolution, present situation, or expected future of OERs. Examples of possible topics are:
- Inhibitors and incentives to creating and using OERs
- Methods and issues in finding and using OERs successfully
- Quality control and collection management for OERs
- Implications of OERs for online education
- Intellectual property issues
- Social media and OERs
- Collaborative construction of educational materials
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2010.
To submit a paper, please review JALN guidelines and submit papers to Greg Hislop of Drexel University and Heidi Ellis of Western New England College will serve as guest co-editors for this special issue.
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