The Engineering Pathway has announced the 2009 winners of its Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware. The honor was awarded October 22, 2009, to two groups for the courseware SIMSE, submitted by Emily Navarro and colleagues, and CATME/Team-Maker submitted by Matthew Ohland and colleagues.
Premier Award for Excellence in Engineering Education Courseware Awarded
The award was presented at the Premier Award Ceremony at the Frontiers in Education Conference, held this year in in San Antonio, Texas. The award-winning courseware was distributed on CD ROM at the FIE Conference and is also available online.This year’s panel of judges comprised a diverse cross-section of experts in engineering education and interactive media. Sponsors of the award program are John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Microsoft Research, Autodesk and TechSmith.
SimSE is a game-based educational software engineering simulation environment that allows students to practice “virtual” software engineering processes in a graphical, interactive and fun setting.
The Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME)/Team-Maker is an integrated and well-tested system that helps manage teams in engineering courses. Team-Maker is a tool for forming teams using instructors’ criteria, which helps instructors save time and effort in creating balanced teams.
See the full article at NSDL Pathways News Expert Voices blog.
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