13th Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science: Sept. 21-22, 2012
The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science hosts the 13th Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science on September 21-22, 2012.
Poster session proposal submission: August 30, 2012 -Hotel room reservations: guaranteed room and rate until September 4, 2012 -Registration: September 4, 2012
The aim of our annual fall conference is to bring together people who are interested in teaching science using case studies.
Conference features:
- Plenary 1: Reinventing Science Teaching: Using PBL and Case Studies in Middle through Grad School, Pat Marsteller, Director, Center for Science Education and Professor of Practice, Dpartment of Biology, Emory University
- Plenary 2: Unclear Nuclear, Cathy Middlecamp, Associate Professor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, and Howe Bascom Professor, Integrated Liberal Studies Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison;
- a poster session
- mini-workshops for the beginner, more experienced case teacher, and a high school teacher - your choice which sessions to attend (mix and match)
BEGINNER Sessions: Friday/Saturday
- What Is a Case? / Different Types of Cases (Kipp Herreid)
- The Discussion Case Method (Kipp Herreid)
- The Interrupted Case Method (Kipp Herreid)
- How to Write a Case (Kipp Herreid)
ADVANCED Sessions: Friday/Saturday
- Adopt and Adapt: Integrating Quantitative Skills into Cases (Pat Marsteller)
- CaseIt! (Mark Bergland and Karen Klyczek)
- Let's Be Friends: Using Social Networking to Enhance Science Teaching
- Involving Students in Case Study Writing: Naive or Brilliant? (Annie Prud'homme Genereux)
- Using Cases to Teach the Nature of Science: Alfred Russel Wallace & the Origin of Species (Douglas Allchin)
- Watts Up? (Cathy Middlecamp)
HIGH SCHOO)L TEACHER Track Sessions: Saturday Only
- Making a Case for Scientific Argumentation (Douglas Llewellyn)
- Learn by Doing: Using Case-Based Instruction to Integrate NGSS and Common Core Standards While Motivating and Engaging All Learners (Kathy Hoppe)
- Thinking Critically about Using Cases to Teach Critical Thinking Skills (Maureen Griffin and Eric Hall)
- Two Day Registration is $550
- One Day Saturday registration rate is $350
Registration includes buffet lunch, and morning/afternoon coffee breaks, as well as the Friday evening reception & banquet (for two day registrants).
Additional $55 for Friday Banquet if registering for Saturday only or for guests.
A full buffet breakfast is available to those staying at the Ramada Inn& Conference Center, compliments of the hotel.
Please note: A limited block of hotel rooms is being held at the Ramada Inn for conference attendees at the special conference rate of $75.00 until September 4, 2012, so plan on making your hotel reservations early.
For more information, including how to submit your poster proposal by August 30, 2012, see the conference website at: http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/cs/training/conference
Questions about the conference can be directed to our Conference Coordinator, Carolyn Wright, at nccsts@buffalo.edu, or (716) 645-4900, fax (716) 645-2975.
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