Techno-Panic and 21st Century Education: Make Sure Internet Safety Messaging Does Not Undermine Education for the Future

Nancy Willard, Director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use (CSRIU) focuses on issues of Internet safety and use. The CSRIU provides guidelines, professional development for teachers, and resources to help teachers, administrators and schools effectively convey information that is both accurate and well-grounded in research, in exploring risk prevention strategies to these issues. 

Her latest article: Techno-Panic and 21st Century Education, is a thoughtful examination of a body of disinformation and recent decision-making, with suggestions for approaches that can appropriately assess and address risks for students, balanced with responsive, rather than fear-based reactive, strategies for addressing the use of Web 2.0 technologies in the 21st Century classroom. 

Teaser Text: 
"Trying to prepare students for their future without Web 2.0 in schools is like trying to teach a child to swim without a swimming pool!"