Scholarly Kitchen reviews UC-Berkeley study on academic scholarship: Culture Trumps Technology

The Scholarly Kitchen (a blog sponsored by the Society for Scholarly Publishing) reviews a newly released report of a five-year study done at UC-Berkeley: Assessing the Future Landscape of Scholarly Communication: An Exploration of Faculty Values and Needs in Seven Disciplines. The study conducted 160 in-depth interviews across 45 U.S. research institutions. The disciplines studied were archaeology, astrophysics, biology, economics, history, music, and political science. Not surprisingly, the conclusions are that academic culture is a slow-moving system, not eager to adopt and adapt to newer forms of scholarly publishing. (SP doesn't miss pointing out the irony that the report itself was self-published via Berkeley's eScholarship site).

Tip: Scholarly Kitchen is worth adding to your bookmarks - it's a good site that keeps track of developments and issues in scholarly publishing.

Teaser Text: 
Culture Trumps Technology: UC-Berkeley study on scholarly publishing practice released